Monday, January 31, 2011

February 9th

Getting close to the court date and I'm nervous. I know it's going to be bad, but I did the crime so I gotta do the time. It's something I needed, tho', something to set me on the right path. I'm fortunate to have a wonderful girlfriend by my side in the whole matter and hopefully, it won't affect work too much.

After I find out what's going to happen regarding the DUI, I can then start getting on with life. I can start putting together board games and building game companies.

Right now, the entire thing has blasted me financially and logistically. The lawyer is damn expensive and having no car means getting around is a pain. I've relied heavily on the internet for my newfound interest in board games, but it is a bit slower than I care for.

I don't mind things going slow, tho. The excitement continues to build and it's letting me know whether or not I'm really interested in what I'm doing. For so many years my only interest was in socially drinking, spending money at bars and clubs, trying to become friends with musicians or goths or DJs or club owners, whatever. I suppose that was my hobby for a long time.

Now that the drinking is gone and replaced with this overwhelming fear of succumbing to alcohol's effects again I have so much time to think and explore my future opportunities. I'm finally writing again, something I haven't really done since I started working at Bistro 27. And there is so much time to do things. Despite working 45-50 hours a week I can get things accomplished.

The prototype for the restaurant game is looking great and plays well. The next step is to start working on a more finished version--re-do the game board, get more professional chits (thank you, Casey's Wood), and start getting other people than myself to play it. I think I'll come up with some feedback sheets to rate what people think.

I want to have the game in production by the end of the Spring and up on a website for sale. By then, I should be working on my next project. What it is? I don't know. But I've got some ideas bouncing around.

Of course, I've got to get past February 9th and its after effects first.

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