Sunday, February 6, 2011

First Meeting

Scott came over today and we talked shop. I am now very excited about the future of board game development. Scott's got a lot of free time coming up soon and he seems driven to complete a huge board game project he's been working on, a fantasy dungeon crawling game--I don't want to say too much more, because it's his project, but from what he and our mutual friend, Mike have told me I know that it might be something worth getting onboard with.

I traded some information with him and I learned what I already suspected: while his knowledge was more in the actual world of games itself mine was more in the business element of it. He makes the games playable, I make them sellable.

After I resolve the issues in my personal life (which may now be as late as March) I plan on going gung-ho on getting board games made. The money at work has been great (even if the clientele has not) and I feel pretty secure about my position there as long as the lingering effects of the court decision don't hurt things too badly.

No matter what happens, I will stay optimistic and persistent in my goal for getting a game company off the ground.

1 comment:

Kasuka said...

David.. I was wondering what happened to you. I went to your lj and found this link! it's time for me to get to reading!